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あおの なおこ  naoko aono








*作業環境:MAC/ Illustrator , Photoshop , および手描き



日本文教出版 教科書「少学算数(3年)」






趣味:散歩(お地蔵さまを探しながら歩くのが特に)、読書、料理。 特技:たこやき作り




I was born and raised in Kagawa and moved to Tokyo as I started going to a primary school. I have currently been living in the suburb of the city. I started taking a kid’s class for learning how to draw and make crafts at a small art studio near my home when I was about eight. I fell in love with art and drawing since then and creative work of art has been like the language of my soul. I loved children’s books very much as well.


I used to subscribe comic magazines for girls and became fans of major creators such as Shigeru Mizuki, Yoshiharu Tsuge, Osamu Tezuka, and Katuhiro Ohtomo at the age of ten to nineteen. I also loved some minor magazines with subculture and under-ground taste such as Gallo and Afternoon. Those great cartoon artists, creators, and work of art influenced and broadened my perspective and mind so much that I also became interested in many different styles of art like photography, illustration, and films.


I learned the fundamental principles and skills of designs at an art school. After finishing the school, I started working at a production company as an illustrator. I mainly worked on projects especially on commercial products, books, and CM designs. After working three years, I took another chance to build my career and have been working as a free-lanced illustrator in Tokyo since 2005. I always start focusing on a meeting with my client to decide the style and taste of art work to visualize the images as close as possible.

illustration style:

soft, warm and friendly-taste portrait

caricature-taste portrait

architectural renderings with bright colors and welcoming atmosphere

equipment: MAC/ illustrator/ Photoshop/ hand drawing


works: royalty-free illustration, images for magazines, newspapers, web, and books


I love taking a stroll through the streets of my neighborhood, stopping by my favorite places like bakery and small shops, taking photos and sketching. I also enjoy reading novels and cooking. I’m a good cook and very good at making Takoyaki.

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